You can learn from innovation: inspiring tech learning session for UNICEF

How do Liliane Fonds and its partners in Asia support children with disabilities through tech innovations? Staff from UNICEF in South Asia, found out in an online learning session on tele-rehabilitation. The learning session was delivered by the following resource persons:

  • Angelique Kester, Liliane Fonds (Rehabilitation and CBR/CBID Advisor)
  • Hira Nand, Fr. Chandran Riymonds and Ranjeet Singh (Jan Vikas Samiti, India)
  • Lea Guignard (Enablement, the Netherlands)

In parts of Asia, Liliane Fonds is successfully deploying tele-rehabilitation applications for early identification and interventions of children with disabilities, among other things. Applications that we developed together with our partner organisations, based on their specific needs, wishes and available resources and local conditions. Technical customisation for tailor-made care.

Like in India, where the Sambhav platform connects remote community workers with a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation team. With practical examples, JVS India, Enablement and Liliane Fonds showed the main advantages of such applications for tele-rehabilitation. In particular, user-friendliness, flexibility and convenience, cost-effectiveness and bridging distances and geographical barriers.

We also addressed the biggest obstacles, which lie mainly in human, organizational and technical factors. And how these can be tackled through training, guidance and education of the healthcare professionals and staff involved. The session was co-moderated by the ECD Specialist from UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia and Alodia Santos (Liliane Fonds).

Read more about our telerehabilitation-projects in India and on the Philippines on our website: Telerehabilitation | Liliane Fonds